Aside: Now, you can date before you are officially over your ex, but your heart might not be completely open until you can utter his or her name without feeling a burst of anger or sadness running through you.
Women ...
1. You haven’t checked Yahoo Finance or Google to see how his company is doing and are actually happy if he gets a promotion.
2. You take the most direct route to work instead of driving the long way to check for unfamiliar cars in his driveway.
3. You actually avoid going to places you might run into him and are excited to explore new hideaways.
4. Your best friend suggests you delete the photo you’ve saved of him in your camera and you don’t even flinch.
5. You no longer search for him on your online dating sites.
6. You meet someone new at a party and when he asks if you have a boyfriend, you say “no” instead of “I did, but we broke up.”
7. You’ve stopped wondering if he’ll call to get you back.
8. You no longer think of that pretty sundress in your closet as “his favorite dress.”
9. You don’t hear from him on your birthday or you just receive a "Happy Birthday" generic text and you’re fine with it.
10. You’ve stopped secretly following him on Twitter and you have either defriended him on Facebook or just don't care about his status updates. (Unless it is an extremely amicable split, I do not advise becoming or maintaining FB friend status. After 6 months post break up, you can revisit that issue.)
11. You go on a "bad" date and actually don't have the urge to call your ex afterwards.
12. You no longer compare new guys against the pros and cons of your ex.
13. You find an old T-shirt of his hiding in a drawer and you throw it out. [Or use it as a cleaning rag. More earth-friendly than paper towels!]
14. You spend a Saturday night at home with Thai take-out and a chick flick and don’t feel the least bit sorry for yourself. Ok, maybe just a wee bit.
15. You don’t need a list to tell you you’re over that loser already.
Hon, you are so over him! Now, it is time to meet or give Mr. Right a real chance.
Men ...
1. You know that she was not the "One" who got away.
2. If she calls, you let it go to v-mail. You may or may not call her back, depending on what she wants.
3. You no longer scream her name in bed with someone else. (I hope this never happens to you)
4. You take a new woman to one of your past favorite date places and do it for the right reasons.
5. You resist the urge to send her the booty call text when you are inebriated.
6. You get a wedding invitation with plus 1 and do not even think about asking her to accompany you.
7. If you're out and see a group of her friends, you are civil to them, and do not ask if your ex has a new man.
8. You have thrown out all of her toiletries from your bathroom, including her perfume.
9. You have gone from just hooking up to actually being open to a new relationship again.
10. You avoid the places that she used to go to, because you actually don't want a run-in.
11. You no longer idolize her and have taken her off the pedestal.
12. You have updated your online dating profile (Contacted Love Kudos Of Course)
13. You’ve stopped secretly following her on Twitter and you have either defriended her on Facebook or just don't care about her status updates. (Unless it is an extremely amicable split, I do not advise becoming or maintaining FB friend status. After 6 months post break up, you can revisit that issue.)
14. You go on a "bad" date and actually don't have the urge to call your ex afterwards.
15. You don’t need a list to tell you you’re over that loser already.
-By Lauren K. of the Love Kudos Duo-
Idea generated from The Frisky
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