Written by Lauren K. of Love Kudos
Summer Break-Up Season has Commenced ...
It seems to be break up season for some of my closest friends and I have to wonder why. Does summer breed temptation of a different magnitude? In my personal experience, I tend to start dating people in the fall and break up with them right after the winter ends. I need my men during hibernation. I am a summer lovin' type of girl and seem to meet guys in May and break up with them right around the 4th of July. I guess when the fireworks heat up, a different kind of fire is ignited in my relationships.
Askmen.com wrote a stream of consciousness that I can relate to, "We can maybe ascribe some sort of symbolic 'new beginnings' thing to spring, but autumn is all about getting secure for winter -- and winter is about making it through to spring. So, if you're thinking about breaking up with your significant other, now's probably the time, ... in the summer."
With all the outdoor barbecues, tubing adventures, visits to Hula Hut, summer share homes in the Hamptons and Dewey Beach, camping trips, and pool/boat parties, you're bound to meet all the women and men you can handle, right?