Friday, February 4, 2011

Valentine's Day Romance Guide 2011 by Love Kudos

Written by Lauren and Lindsay of Love Kudos
Valentine's Day is less than 10 days  away and whether you are single, dating someone new, or married for a few years, it can stress you out. Love Kudos has put together our annual Valentine's Day guide to help infuse some romance into your life. This guide is for both couples and singletons.

Question from a Reader: I just started dating this woman, can I ask her out for Valentine's Day? We have gone out three times and I live out of town.

Answer: Lauren says, of course you can ask her out. If she is into you and you are #1 in her dating mix, she will say yes. Be prepared though that you might not be #1 right now and she might not be ready for exclusivity yet. I just would not recommend a first date for Valentine's Day.

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