Written and complied by Lindsay K. of the Love Kudos duo
Ah statistics, the formal science of making effective use of numerical data relating to groups of individuals or experiments. Age, race, demographics, politics, finances, intelligence, and procreation all can influence if a marriage last or ends in divorce. The following are 17 statistical signs and symptoms of divorce.

2. If you live in a red state, you’re 27 percent more likely to get divorced than if you live in a blue state. The rationale? Couples tend to marry younger in red states, and the younger you marry, the more likely it is you’ll wind up divorced.

4. If your parents were divorced, you’re at least 40 percent more likely to get divorced than if they weren’t. If your parents married others after divorcing, you're 91 percent more likely to get divorced.
5. If only one partner in your marriage is a smoker, you’re 75 percent to 91 percent more likely to divorce than smokers who are married to fellow smokers.

7. If you're a man with high basal testosterone, you're 43 percent more likely to get divorced than men with low testosterone levels.
8. If you have a daughter, you’re nearly 5 percent more likely to divorce than if you have a son. If you have two sons, you face a 36.9 percent likelihood of divorce, but if you have two daughters, the likelihood rises to 43.1 percent. Fathers get more invested in family life when they have boys.

10. If your child has been diagnosed with ADHD, you are 22.7 percent more likely to divorce before that child turns eight years old than parents of a child without ADHD.
11. If you have twins or triplets, your marriage is 17 percent more likely to end in divorce than if your children are not multiple births.
12. If you're a woman who got married before the age of eighteen, your marriage faces a 48 percent likelihood of divorce within ten years.
13. If you’re a woman two or more years older than your husband, your marriage is 53 percent more likely to end in divorce than if he was one year younger to three years older.
14. If you’re of “below average” intelligence, you’re 50 percent more likely to be divorced than those of "above average" intelligence. Those with IQs of 100 face a 28 percent probability of divorce in the first five years of marriage, compared to just a 9 percent probability for those with IQs of 130.
15. If you’re a female serial cohabiter—a woman who has lived with more than one partner before your first marriage—then you’re 40 percent more likely to get divorced than women who have never done so.
16. If you're in a male same-sex marriage, it's 50 percent more likely to end in divorce than a heterosexual marriage. If you're in a female same-sex marriage, this figure soars to 167 percent.
17. If you didn't smile for photographs early in life, your marriage is five times more likely to end in divorce than if you smiled intensely in early photographs. If your kids aren't smiling, you better start doing something different.
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If you go into a relationship thinking that it can be disposable, then it can be doomed to fail. Knowing what you are willing and not willing to do is the first thing people should study. For instance, if your mate is more outgoing than you and he/she would rather spend their time out and about and it annoys because you would rather stay in, then think long and hard whether you are willing to accept that. If you are not, then move along because it does not stop there. People think that time will change things they do not like, but the only thing that will ever change is circumstances. The essence of a person does not ever change and you have to be willing to accept a person for who/what they are if anything is going to will work. Any relationship is about give and take, think about how you want things to be and make a list to see what you are willing to give into and not.
"Knowing what you are willing and not willing to do is the first thing people should study." AAAAMEN. Biggest mistake people ever make is thinking they are going to change someone. People can only change themselves.
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